How many codine phosphate will get you high

How do you make sippin syrup? - Q&A What are the side effects of cough syrup.
How many codine phosphate will get you high
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Answer: If you are taking the cough syrup as directed there should be no consequences or negative effects on your health. However, if you are taking excessive amounts
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How does Codine make you feel? - Yahoo!.
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What class drug is codeine phosphate?. What are the side effects of cough syrup.

22.12.2009 · ook so purple drank is not codine , codine is a pill ive had purple drank its basically the opposite of an energy drink, you get very relaxed
29.06.2007 · Best Answer: It is opiod analgesic, a prescription only drug. It is effective for the relief of mild to moderate pain. Also use for diarrhea and cough
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