homebrew 11 meter 2 element dipole

2-Meter Homebrew
Here's a link to an article I wrote describing my base antenna install. Hopefully you'll find it useful. There is also a "How-To" section describing how it
Hi everybody Im a fairly new ham i've had my ticket for about a month now and would Mike, It only takes about eight feet of 75 Ohm coax (RG-58) to fashion a balun
homebrew 11 meter 2 element dipole
3 ELEMENT HOMEBREW YAGI ANTENNA FOR 28. HAM Antenna Blog: Six-element 2-meter. Homebrew 2 Meter, active 3 Dipole Array.eHam.net Article: 2-Meter Homebrew - KE7BFD shares eight easy & cheap antennas for you to build. - eHam.net is a Web site dedicated to ham radio (amateur radio).
I'm testing my homemade, three element yagi antenna on 28.5 MHz. Equipment: YAESU FT-920 with G-250 rotator, antenna analyzer by VECTRONICS: (SWR-584B)
home-brew sigma 4 11 meter antenna. HAM Antenna Blog: Homebrew 2 meter.

16.02.2011 · Short on a good and reliable antenna for your amateur radio operation ? Here’s how to make a simple 2 meter amateur radio antenna from ordinary tv
Since my 2 Ground Plane Phased Array (Bug) as seen on my website www.ka6trf.com was How many watts were you using to get into that repeater? Originally Posted
Plans, pictures, parts lists for HF, VHF, UHF antennas.
18.02.2011 · Figure 18-8 shows the construction details for a six-element 2-meter Yagi beam antenna. This antenna is built using a 2 X 2-in wooden boom and elements
homebrew 11 meter 2 element dipole
10 meter dipole antenna help!! - Activity.